Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to Rimu Room

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What an exciting new way to view and share some of the learning experiences we are having in Rimu Room! On these pages we will periodically post new photos and work for you to view and comment on.

Term 2, 2010

We've really enjoyed learning about habitats this term. Take a look at our awesome dioramas...



At the Beach

The school went to the beach on Wednesday. Some of the parents came to the beach to help. The life guards helped too. We looked at the boat and then the girls had to get dressed into their togs. We went for a swim and the waves were as big as a car. The guards had boogie boards.


At the Beach

On Wednesday the whole school went on a bus to the beach. When we got there we had to walk to Midway Beach. The sand was as hot as a desert. We played games. The IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) was as big as a dinosaur. We got changed into our togs and we had to dive under the waves. The waves were as big as an elephant sitting in water.


Midway Beach

At Midway Beach we learnt about swimming and keeping safe in the water. We learnt to stay in the middle of the flags. The flags colours were yellow and red. There were big waves and rips. We went on the boogie board and it was awesome.



We went to the beach and we played games in the waves. Then we made sand castles in the sand. We went on the boards on our stomachs.


When we went to the Beach

At the beach we saw a ski and a boat and a motorbike. We went for a run and then we played some games. We did body boarding. I went under the wave. We played a flag game.


Last Wednesday at Midway Beach

On Wednesday the whole school spent time at Midway Beach to learn how to swim. First we got into teams. We put on a life jacket. Next we swapped over and we went to Diego. He showed us how to save people with tubes. Then we had to swap over again and we watched a movie about sun safety and slip, slop, slap and wrap. We went swimming and I was getting excited. We got a partner and a boogie board. The teachers and the lifeguards helped us push the same time as the wave. My favourite part of the day was when we swam through the waves.


Last Wednesday we went to the beach. The sky was as blue as the sea. We went for a run. The sand was yellow like the sun. After that we went for a swim and the waves were bigger than me and bigger than the teachers. The waves were shiny like stars. I went fast on the boogie board. It was scary because it was like holding onto a shark. Surfing was cool because I went high and fell off the board and dived into the waves. We watched a documentary about water safety.


We went to the Beach

When we went to the beach we learned about beach education. It was fun and there were big waves at the beach. We went boogie boarding and my partner was Courtney. After morning tea we went diving under the waves and it was fantastic. We did beach activities like team races. We had lunch and it was delicious. We made sand castles and the Pink team made a turtle out of sand. Some others made a shark and a jellyfish. We went on the bus back to school.


At Midway Beach

At Midway Beach there were waves as big as a house. We were listening to these three life guards. One was called Diego. We looked at the boats, the surf ski, paddle boat and the four-wheeler. First Diego took us for a jog and a sprint. We got into groups. We got changed for a swim and the girls took a long time! We went on the boogie board and dived under the waves. We had a shower outside before we went back to school.


We were in the bus going to the beach. When we got there we were learning to be safe. After that we went down onto the sand.


The Day at the Beach

We got on the bus, but the bus took us to the wrong beach. We walked to the right beach. A lifeguard took us for a run and then we played some games. We looked at an IRB and some different boats. The four-wheeler was blue.


On Wednesday the 10th we went to the beach to learn to swim and be safe. You have to swim between the flags. If you don’t then you will not be safe. We got into our togs and went for a swim. The waves were colourful and big. The sand was as yellow as the sun. We played flags and we watched a movie and it was all about being safe.


On Wednesday the whole school went to Midway Beach. When we got there it was morning tea time. We all had a nice lunch, then we walked down to the beach. They split us up into groups and each group had to play different games at the same time.


Beach Education

When we got there we had lunch. When I went with my group we had to build an animal sculpture in the sand. My group did a dolphin. We put shells on it to decorate it. There were big, big waves at Midway Beach. I could not jump over them. We did lots of stuff. The teachers were in the water too, lots of teachers were in the water. They had lots of fun. I had a big yummy lunch. It was a big day at Midway Beach. It was fun as well, really fun and I liked it so much.


At Midway Beach

On Wednesday the whole school went to the beach. When we were at the beach we walked around to Midway Beach. We all went for a run. We ran the whole way to the end of the cones. We played grab the flag and hill, beach, club. We looked at the boats and I liked the surf ski. We played on the boogie boards. Nikita and I shared the boogie board. We went on the surf ski too. I shot to the shore. Nikita fell off. I had fun. It was amazing.


Going to the Beach

I like the beach because I like the waves and they went over my head. I went under the wave and I got water in my nose and in my mouth. Then I got back up and I got on my board. I went fast and it was cool fun. I liked the IRV boat and the motor bike. I felt like riding it. We went for a game of flags and I was laughing and then we went with the lifeguard and we went for a swim. I got cold but I didn’t want to get out.


At Midway Beach we learnt to be safe at the beach. We were being safe in the water. We learnt about rips in the water and big waves. We played a game with Ollie. We played flag relays and we watched a video and it told us about waves and not to go out too far because you might drown. We looked at the IRB boat and the four-wheeler. Then we got changed into our togs and went out to play on the boogie boards and the boards with handles. We had to run and dive under the wave and then run around Diego. We all had a turn each.




At the show Elgregoe turned a bird into a real bird and a magic word came out behind a blanket. There was lots of stuff in there and Elgregoe made a bird come out of a photo frame and he put it in the box and then made heaps of birds come out of the box. He chose a senior and the same cards were facing each card. She had to sit down and Elgregoe chose another kid and they did a trick with a magic wand. The bird was in the van and he did another trick and it was fun because he made a puppet come out of the rubbish bin. He made it talk and he chose Billy and put a funny face on him and pressed the presser to make it talk and we laughed at Billy. Then Elgregoe sang to the kids and he didn’t dance to the song because he couldn’t move.



Yesterday the Duffy Hero came to our school. We all sat down in room 8 and I saw the hero come through the door. Henare O’Keefe came to speak and he sang a funny song. We asked him questions and we got Duffy books. We all played whoop with Courtney, Constable Sam, Fabian and Henare O’Keefe. Henare O’Keefe gave us a message to keep reading books so you can get better and better at reading. We sang the Duffy song. At morning tea time Constable Pam and Constable Sam autographed our books.


When the Duffy Theatre actors were here at the school, they were performing in Room 8. They said reading helps your brain to get lots of imagination and then the things you can think of means you can be anything you want to be when you grow up.


Duffy Hero Assembly

Yesterday the Duffy Hero came to school. He brought Constable Pam and Constable Sam. We had to sit in room eight. We sang the Duffy song and then we played whoop. Courtney and Fabian played with them. We asked questions about when he was little. He gave out the Duffy books. Jayda got the books for Room 6.


Duffy Hero

Yesterday Duffy heroes came to our school. They were Constable Pam, Henare O’Keefe and Constable Sam. Constable Pam had a sore leg. Henare O’Keefe sang a funny song to us. Henare O’Keefe kept singing faster and faster. Then he taught us a game with Courtney and Fabian. Courtney was with Constable Sam and Fabian was with Henare O’Keefe. I asked Constable Sam a question. My question was, “How has reading helped you in your career?” He said it helped him a lot with his job. Then Jayda went up to grab the room 6 books. Then he sang a funny song to us. He said I was very clever and smart.


Duffy Heroes

Yesterday at the Duffy assembly Henare O’Keefe, Constable Pam and Constable Sam came. Henare O’Keefe sang a funny song. We played a game with Courtney and Fabian. Courtney was with Constable Sam and Fabian was with Henare O’Keefe. They were playing whoop. After that he asked us questions and then he gave out the books. I got room 6 books and then he sang the Duffy song. Mr Harris gave out our books and we got to get our books signed. The message was, ‘Read lots of books so you can think and be clever!’


Duffy Hero

Yesterday the Duffy hero came to our school to talk about reading. The Duffy hero said you get smarter the more you read. When you read and read your brain gets smarter. Henare O’Keefe sang a song and he was funny when he was singing.


Duffy Hero

Yesterday Duffy heroes came to school to encourage us to read and Constable Pam had a sore leg. First they sang a song. It was funny. Henare O’Keefe played a guitar and then he had to pick two volunteers. He picked me and Fabian and we played whoop. I had to go with Constable Sam and Henare had to go with Fabian. Everyone had to stand up, we had to get a buddy and we had a race. Fabian and Henare won. Then he said, “Give a clap!” Then he gave us a message and it was, KEEP READING! Then it was question time and Jayda went to get the books and we all sang the Duffy song.



At Duffy hero assembly, Henare O’Keefe and two policemen whose names were Constable Sam and Constable Pam came to school. They were talking about reading but Henare O’Keefe sang a song about our school. It was funny. He played a game with Courtney and Fabian. It was funny too. Then he shouted, “Should we give out the books?” The whole school said, “yes!” But Keri and Riria told Henare O’Keefe that we had to ask the questions first. Then he gave out the books.


When the Duffy Hero Came

Yesterday the Duffy hero came to school. We all went to room eight and we all sat on the mat and we sang a funny song and we played a game that was called whoop. We played it with Courtney and Fabian. Courtney was with Constable Sam and Fabian was with Henare O’Keefe. We asked questions. Then he gave out the books. Jayda got room six books. After we gave the books out, we sang the Duffy song. Henare O’Keefe started it off and then the whole school sang the Duffy song. When we finished, Constable Sam and Pam and Henare, O’Keefe signed our books. They came to school to tell us that reading is cool.


Yesterday the Duffy heroes came to school. We all went into room eight and we sat down on the mat and we played a game with Courtney and Fabian. It was called whoop . After that we asked questions and he gave out the Duffy books. Jayda went up to get them. We sang a song and then he gave us a message which was to read lots of books so you can think, then you know more words and you can get clever, so you can decide what to do when you grow up. It gives you more in formation. I’m going to read lots of books!


Duffy Hero Assembly

When we went into the hall I saw Henare O’Keefe, Constable Pam and Constable Sam. We played whoop. Constable Sam was doing the whoop and Courtney and Fabian had to stand up and do it too. After that we did a dance to a song. He handed out the Duffy books for Room 6 and Jayda got them. We had question time. We sang one more song and they said they would not meet us again because we were closing. When we got back to our rooms we opened the box and there were lots of books. Constable Sam, Constable Pam and Henare O’Keefe were signing our books for us. I got mine signed by everybody. It said, “Good boy and reading is fun!”


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